Stay connected with us
So many of us have stayed silent about the prison we have been in for years…suffering silently, ashamed, afraid and the desire to be loved take a strong grip on us and we find ourselves trapped!!!!
Well that was my story along with so many that we have helped and encouraged out of their situation.
We find unity is a great strength for those that are still trapped. By wearing these
So help the cause and get your t-
Wear it, talk about it and you never
know who you may help.
Video Campaign
As part of our video campaign here are some survivors of domestic abuse & forced marriages who have been willing to be a united voice to encourage others to speak out.
Why not take part and send us your video cardboard message to [email protected]
Support our “I AM Breaking the Silence”
Breaking the Silence (BTSUK) Ltd is a social enterprise registered in England and Wales.
Company Number: 08623300
Trademark: Breaking the Silence
© 2014 Breaking the Silence (btsuk) Ltd