Meet Our CEO


It is my great pleasure to warmly welcome you to our website and thank you for your interest in our charity. I am sure you would agree with me that abuse is ever-present in so many lives and communities.

My passion and drive for over 20 years has been to put an end to domestic abuse for good, and I stand for all who have ever suffered so no more have to suffer the same way I had.

I am forever grateful to my team, without whom our good work wouldn’t be possible. 

Raj x

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CEO, Tedx Speaker, Multi-award winner, Author,
Survivor, Campaigner, Ambassador

My Story

I spent twenty years as a victim of domestic abuse at the hands of my family.

My abuse started when I was very young, at five years old. The emotional abuse quickly turned into physical, sexual and later financial abuse from family members, along with two attempted forced marriages and many suicide attempts.

I barely escaped with my life after two failed forced marriage attempts, two murder attempts from my family and then ex-partner—brutal attacks from my ex-partner that incurred me to miscarry and nearly ended my life. You'd assume this would make me a forever victim. You couldn't be more wrong.

Having worked my way up from nothing to becoming an author to the setting up of the registered charity Breaking the Silence (BTSUK) has been so humbling.

I decided to turn the fear and trauma that I felt and wrote my autobiography The Only Arranged Marriage. Finally, I was
ready to break my silence and shed light on a topic that is so taboo. I didn’t realise what it would take having to write about the shame, guilt and prison of my journey. The constant death threats and having to continually look over my shoulder and allow people into my story, but finally led me to help others in the same situation and launch ‘Breaking the Silence (BTSUK).

With over 500 public appearances, including The House of Commons, and around 3500 women, men, and young people helped so far. 

I continue to devote my life to supporting those in need to
come forward and break their silence."

The Only Arranged Marriage Autobiography

An excerpt from Raj’s autobiography.

”Suddenly without warning, Dad just ran at me and grabbed my hair. He pulled me down off one of the chairs and I landed hard on the floor on my back. I tried desperately to get him to let go of my hair, but he just held on tighter and kicked me in the ribs…

When an opportunity presented itself I ran to the front door to get out. It was locked and as I stood fumbling to open it, Dad punched me in the back of the head and I knocked my head on the front door. He grabbed my hair again like a crazed animal…

I am going to kill you! He threatened”

To book Raj as a speaker

My story over the past 20 years has inspired others, as I use my vulnerability to openly discuss life’s, traumas, abuse, attempted forced marriages, attempted murder, death threats and adversity that I have faced in my own life.

I aim to provide others with ways to strengthen their lives and inspire hope, from a place of unfortunate experiences.

My story and work have led to delivering talks, workshops and programmes around the UK, which have helped build confidence in men, women and young people, especially those who have been victims of abuse, trafficking, honour-based violence and forced marriage.

The talks I deliver have resulted in life-changing positive results.

To book Raj as a speaker

Whether you want to book Raj to speak at your next event or you would like to work with her, or within one of her group sessions, you are in the right place.

Complete the booking/enquiry form below and a member of the team will get back to you.

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